Wednesday, November 7, 2012


·        Dilma Rousseff was torturer when she was 22. She was trying to over throw government. After trying to over throw the government, she went to jail for two years. After that she went to jail, she began president of Brazil. 
·        Enrique Pena Nieto was the governor of Mexico before he was president. He wrote a book on the economy of Mexico. 
·        Abduallah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud held important politics threw out his life. He is the king of Saudi Arabia. He is 88 years old
·        David Cameron 
·        Hamad Karzai he has survived at least 4 different kinds of assassination. It is hard to control the whole Afghanistan because of the Taliban 
·        Hugo Chaviz he tried to coupdetat on his country and then went to jail for 2 years
·        Hu Jintao he is a communist. His biggest accomplishment was he made his ecomniuny  as a huge economic country
·        David Cameron he accused the United Kingdom Independent Party as "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racist" 
·        Angela Merkel is sometimes refereed as a decide. She studied chemistry and was an ecumenist 
·        Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is building a nuclear bomb but saying it is an environmental nuclear power plant 

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