Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Essay #1, #2, #3

Essay #1: My original definition of arete was excellence in a person or the best the person can be with their full potential. Socrates was a philosopher and he knew that every person in the worlds had the choice to achieve in life. The Ancient Greeks had an interesting lifestyle. They always tried their best in everything because they believed that their gods were always watching over them and they wanted to do their best for them and show them the best they can do. 

Essay #2: If Socrates and Elbert Hubbard would have to experience our lifestyle in present day, I am sure they would be disgusted with a lot people in the world. People these days are very lazy an not hard workers.  A person like I, would not be very appreciated in Hubbard's and Socrates point of view. If they saw my lifestyle today, they would not be very happy for what they would be seeing.

Essay #3: My number one goal for the next four years at The John Carroll School is to pass and graduate. That is my number one goal for the next four years at John Carroll. The second goal is to make new friends and be nicer to people over the next four years. For a lot of people one of their five goals will be turning in homework or doing their homework. That's a big goal for everyone because at a lot of schools, before John Carroll, you either didn't do your homework or not even have homework at all. So yes that is another goal for me too, to turn in all my homework and do all my homework. My forth goal is trying to receive B's and above. At my last school I didn't really try, but after hearing Mr. Schick talk about the message, it really inspired me to try my hardest and work hard in school. My last thing is to try to get involved in school. I will try to join clubs and sports.

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