Thursday, August 30, 2012

8/30/12 BC

Today in Human Geography we started off with a prayer, after the prayer Mr. Schick read A Message to Garcia. I liked it, it was really good. I liked how when they gave Roman the message he didn't ask any question he just went and did it. The the reading really inspired me to do well in life. After Mr. Schick kept reading a part of the story, he started to give donuts to everyone. I didn't get any because i didn't answer any questions. People were really desperate for donuts for some reason. It was like they haven't eaten in days. After Mr. Schick read A Message to Garcia, he talked about the debate team. He was wearing his own debate team with his name and number on it! How awesome?! It had a dinosaur on it and was pretty radical. After Mr. Schick talked about the debate team, he handed everyone donuts. He went around the room to every, but for some reason he skipped me. I was pretty hungry too. Anyways, that was our Human Geography class today.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Class today 8/29/12

Today in class we didn't do much except sit and talk to people. Mr. Schick had to help people with their blogs. I was finish setting up my blog so I had to sit there with Eleanor talking the whole time about nothing.

Avery van der Steur
  •          ArĂȘte- thin, almost knife like ridge of rock which is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys.
  •          Polis- city in Grease comes from the ancient Greek city-states, which developed during the archaic period.
  •          Socrates- a classical Greek Athenian philosopher, he was credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. Invented The Death of Socrates.
  •          The Death of Socrates- a painting from 1787 by a French painter named Jacques-Louis David.
  •          The Socrates Method- a form of inquiry and debate between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking.
  •          The Date 508 BC- Cleisthenes reforms Athenian code of laws, and establishes a democratic constitution.
  •         Agora- a central spot in ancient Greek city-states. The center of athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life of the city.
  •          Idiots- At Athens, a person who held no official position or who was not a habitual orator in the Assembly was branded as an idiot. It is also used to distinguish the common people from the poor and the more powerful. It is also used for an unskilled worker.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Class

        Today in Human Geography everyone sat in their own spot, but little did they know Mr. Schick was going to change up the seats again. Before Mr. Schick changed the seats, he did attendance. He told us to tell him any nick name that you wanted him to call you, but no body was brave enough to make a nick name. After Mr. Schick did attendance, he changed up the seats. After he moved us to the opposite part of the room , Mr. Schick started talking about the syllabus and how his class works. He told us what we need in class, the assessments, the grading scale, late assignment policy, and technology. After the directions were given, he told us about how to set up our blog. A bunch of people in my class did not complete the assignment. The reason why a lot of people didn't have it complete, was because they could not publish their blog to blogger. After Mr. Schick helped everyone with our blogs, he told us our homework. Which was to write a 150- 200 blog on what we did today and post it to to our blogger account before midnight tonight.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day

 My first day of High School started on Thursday, August 23, 2012. The day started out by getting up at five thirty, taking a shower, and doing all the things you would normally do in the morning before school. I arrived at John Carroll at seven forty five. At eight the whole grade and their parents went into the auditorium to talk about how the school works and about the three words that define The John Carroll School. The three words are Compelling, Considerate, and Uncompromising. After the talk in the auditorium, the whole grade had to say bye to their parents and we all went to our advisory. I met the other person in my advisory. After that we had to open up our lockers, it took me about twenty tries. When we were all finished opening up our lockers we had a fire drill. The fire alarm was really loud. Then everybody went into the cafeteria for snacks. After we talked and ate snacks we went into to groups to talk about John Carroll. We talked about all the programs at John Carroll, recycling, and how the schedule for this year works. When we finished talking we headed back to the cafeteria for lunch. My day ended with Algebra, Spanish, Intro to Bible, English, Human Geography, Earth Science, and Physical Education. It was really awesome having classes for only 15 minutes. I am excited for the next time I will be spending at John Carroll.